Monday, April 20, 2009

Squishy Kisses are the best!!!

Ok, I have been really sick all this week!! I had to finally go to urgent care today, I was dehydrated- had an IV put in and it was a cold turned into a sinus infection which I haven't had since I was a teen! I couldn't keep anything down nor wanted to eat on Sunday and I had a fever AGAIN--And when I feel so horrible, I sleep but I wanted to post ONE picture from a session this weekend!!

Sneak Peak~ I love these family interactions!! They are the best!

Stay Tuned for more!!!

Family Session at the Park

A boy and His Scooter

I just love the concentration on his face!!

Mother and Son

Here is a session of a gorgeous mom and her son and their adorable pup!

Princess at the Park!

Another modeling session!!

Cutie at the Park!

Here is a cutie from one of my Modeling Sessions!!

Baby girl and her Big Sis!!

I am starting to blog some of the sessions that I have not had a chance to post until now!

I met one of the sweetest families for their baby girl's newborn session and let me say they completely melted my heart! Especially Big Sis!! She was adorable! As soon as she saw that I "dressed" her sister as a ladybug, she ran to her room and got her halloween "bee" costume! It was one of THE the sweetest things I have seen a 2 year old do! Big sis also wanted to put hairbands on her toes when she saw that I put mommy and daddy's wedding bands on her little sisters toes. I can't wait to see the four of you soon! Thanks for the amazing session!!