Saturday, November 29, 2008

Family in Coronado

I met this gorgeous Family in Coronado for their shoot for a late afternoon/sunset shoot.

Contest: Who Wants A Free Session?

Back In August, I announced the winner from my "Moments Treasured Family" Contest. This family emailed me from Oklahoma and they won the contest! They received a FREE session at any location in San Diego and a FREE 11x14.

And I am doing it again...

Do you or someone you know need a FREE family portrait for their home? Or, will be needing a family portrait because they are expecting a baby?

This is how it works:

#1-Send me a snapshot of your family AND
#2- Shoot me an email on why your family should be chosen to as the "Moments Treasured Family" in 1000 words or less. The winner will be contacted via email on January 7th, 2009! The winner will receive a free family session to be taken in anytime before May 30th, 2009 and a complimentary 11x14 portrait!

Send your entries to by December 31th, 2008, at midnight PT! Winner will be contacted via email on January 7th, 2009!

Good Luck!!

A baby girl...

Here is a shoot of a wonderful baby girl I met. I did her mommy's maternity session in October. She was so sweet and slept through much of the session. Here she is at 6 days old at her home. Mom looks great doesn't she?! Congrats Mom and Dad and I can't wait for her next shoot!

Friday, November 28, 2008

No Black Friday for me!

First of all, I want to say that I hope you and yours had a great Thanksgiving. Yesterday was a double celebration for us since it was also my Dad's 50th birthday :)

I am TRYING to catch up in sessions and will post sessions on this blog as soon as I can...

Now for my story...

Growing up, my family never did the whole "black friday, shopping-day-after-thanksgiving" shopping day the next morning. I am guessing we were lazy and rather sleep in, but I now know my mom knew better....

Forward to 2006... The midnight after Thanksgiving in 2006, my friend Amy convinced me to go with her to the Disney Store Outlet for their "midnight madness" sale-- and madness it was... it was like nothing I had ever seen... the first few minutes were fine, but as more people got into the store, the more aggressive these people got. I remember the workers would go to receiving (the back of the store) to get more toys and as soon as they would open the door, people were attacking the poor workers and ripping the "goodies" out of their arms. People where fighting about what was theirs and ripping things out of each others hands like two little preschoolers that did not want to share a toy. People were vicious, fighting with each other and that was not OK with me. That was the first and last time I have done Black friday.

Now I know some of my readers will say that they have never seen this. And will tell me that what I wrote above and the following is just an unlucky incident. I will be happy to hear that... BUT

The whole reason I decided to write about this is because I was very sad to hear that a 34 year old man was KILLED at a WALMART in New York because he was crushed by the throng of customers. This is horrible-- a life has been taken to save a couple of bucks. I can't imagine having been one of the individuals who ran over this man and go home after a day of shopping and say "hey honey look what a deal I got, and I got it because I was one of the first to get through the door, unfortunately an innocent man lost his life"...

This man is someone's son, brother, and maybe husband and father...

This incident convinced me that my first and only black friday will be the Thanksgiving of 2006.

For those of you who are out there, please be careful and look both ways before you cross the stores aisles ;)

Here is a link to the story...

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Baby Riley

Back in October, I had the privilege to do a maternity session for the gorgeous Erin. I drove out about to 2 hours to her home for her baby girls newborn session ... And now here is her newborn Riley at 6 days old. Isn't she a doll?

It was an awesome session, the weather was perfect... it kept the house warm... and I had really good lemonade... (Thanks Erin) :)

On the skin to skin shots poor dad got pooped and peed on about 3 times... isn't he a trooper?! He still went through with the session... parents always worry about "baptizing" my blankets but honestly I expect them to bless them ;)

Congrats Mom and Dad and Big Brother Jonah! Can't wait for her 3 month shoot!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Family Session

Here are some pictures of my friend Amy and her family. Her little girl is turning five soon so we also wanted to capture that milestone for her birthday party. My daughter loves Amy's daughter --as I was bringing up their pictures on my computer, my daughter kept on saying " She is so beautiful".
Amy and husband hadn't considered getting a picture of just the two of them, but I am glad they did--- it is one of my favorites!

The Charger Fans

My work is published in a local magazine here in my hometown and one of the families I met though an assignment also hired me to shoot their family pictures. They are such an awesome family and VERY photogenic too! Thank you guys for giving me the honor of capturing you in pictures!


I love doing Maternity shoots. I had the awesome opportunity to do a shoot for this beautiful mama in the late afternoon.